DECEMBER 9, 2022
Insights Security

Keep children safe from cyberthreats

Keep  children safe from cyberthreats

In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of the digital realm, children are stepping into the online world at an increasingly tender age, armed with smartphones and tablets as their passports to a virtual universe. However, with this early immersion comes the responsibility for parents to become vigilant guardians, equipped with the knowledge to navigate the ever-growing cyber threats that loom in the digital shadows.

Let’s embark on a captivating journey through the key cybersecurity trends that demand parental attention, as illuminated by the insights of Kaspersky experts:

  1. AI Adventures and Unseen Dangers:
    • Picture a world where children interact with AI on a daily basis, a reality where seemingly harmless applications may conceal unforeseen risks. UN research suggests that a staggering 80% of young minds engage with AI regularly. Yet, within this digital landscape lie AI chatbots capable of delivering age-inappropriate content, a virtual realm where innocence may unwittingly collide with potential harm.
  2. Gamers’ Playground:
    • Delve into the realm of young gamers, where 91% of children aged 3-15 immerse themselves in the joy of interactive games. Unmoderated voice and text chat become avenues for criminals to build trust, offering gifts or friendship before cunningly extracting personal information through deceptive game mods and phishing links.
  3. Fintech Fables and Financial Threats:
    • Witness the emergence of the fintech industry catering to children as young as 12, offering banking cards with a side of vulnerability. As children gain access to financial tools, they become unwitting targets for cybercriminals, falling prey to promises of free treasures or phishing scams that exploit their trust.
  4. Smart Homes, Vulnerable Hearts:
    • Step into the interconnected world of smart homes, where the number of threats rises, and manufacturers lag behind in creating cyber-immune tech. In this digital landscape, children unwittingly become tools for cybercriminals, potential targets for data extraction and even physical harm.
  5. Digital Boundaries and Personal Space:
    • Witness the delicate dance between parents and maturing children who demand the respect of their personal online space. As parents seek to protect, discussions on the importance of parenting digital apps must be navigated with finesse, establishing clear boundaries while acknowledging the evolving self-awareness of the younger generation.
  6. Forbidden Apps and Malicious Copies:
    • Imagine the allure of forbidden apps in a world where young users seek alternatives, stumbling upon malicious copies that lurk even in official app stores. From elusive apps to Trojan-infested playgrounds, the risk is real, and the digital journey becomes a delicate balance between curiosity and cyber threats.

Andrey Sidenko, a security and privacy expert at Kaspersky, emphasizes the urgency of imparting cybersecurity wisdom to children from the earliest age. The virtual world, once a playground of innocence, now demands a vigilant guide – a guide equipped not only to protect, but also to empower the youngest users with the essential knowledge to navigate the complexities of the digital age. In this digital odyssey, awareness becomes the beacon, and education the key to safeguarding the next generation from unseen perils in the digital wonderland.



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